Collection: Ready to Ship


Select Models
53' Container (with cutouts) 20' Modern Cabin 40' Mobile Office with Storage (10'/30') Custom 20' 1-Trip Shipping Container 20' Climate-Controlled Storage Container 20' Simple Cabin 40' Simple Cabin 40' Mobile Office with Storage (18'/22') 20' Simple Office 40' Simple Office 20' Mobile Workforce Breakroom 40' Mobile Workforce Breakroom
8' 6" 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8' 8'
9' 6" 8'6" 8' 6" 8' 6" 8' 6" 8' 6" 9' 6" 8' 6" 8' 6" 9' 6" 8' 6" 9'6"
53' 20' 40' 20' 20' 20' 40' 40' 20' 40' 20' 40'
AC Units
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Wall Covering
N/A Shiplap/Spray Foam Smart Siding/Spray Foam Bare Spray Foam Spray Foam Spray Foam Smart Siding/Spray Foam Spray Foam Spray Foam Spray Foam Spray Foam Insulation
N/A Vinyl Original Bare Bare Bare Bare Original Bare Bare Bare Bare
Kitchen N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Full N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Security Package
Door Bar Optional (Door Bar, Window Shutter, AC Bars) Standard (door bar, window bars, AC Bars) Standard (Lock Box & Door Bar) Optional (door bar, window shutter, AC bars) Optional (door bar, window shutter, AC bars) Standard (door bar, window bars, AC Bars) Optional (door bar, window shutter, AC bars) Optional (door bar, window shutter, AC bars) Optional (door bar, window shutter, AC bars)
No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
cut outs 1:36"x48" & 1:2'x6' 1: 32"x36" 2: 36" Sliding 2: 36"x48" 2: 36"x48" 2: 32"x36" 2: 36"x48" 2: 36"x48" 2: 36"x48" 2: 32"x36"
Exterior Door
1:36" 1: Cargo, 1: 36" Steel 36" Steel Door 1: Cargo, 1: 48" Steel 1: 36" Steel 1: 36" Steel 1: Cargo, 1: 36" Steel 1: 36" Steel 1: 36" Steel 1: 36" Steel 1: Cargo; 1: 36" Steel